Feed the Hungry Artist
If you would like to make a contribution to one of my art projects you can do so here. Please also contact me to provide information on what project you are funding, Kusanagi, Blow Da hale Ova, etc. If you would like something in return, please send your address and other info as needed. If you help fund a book, I will send you a copy of one of the book if the donatation is large enough to pay for printing an delivery. If you would like custmized illustrations or some other form of thanks, please ask. For instance, I have tons of sketches from the various books. There are links from devient art and my facebook: Deviceman

Projects That Need Funding or Help

Blow Da Hale Ova is being illustrated and written. It is less than half done at the moment.

I would like to reedit the book to make it better for younger readers. This entails rewriting and adding images. I also would like the book translated into Hawaiian, Japanese, and other languages.

The first episode has been thoroughly sketched out but there is a ton of work to be done.

Blow Da Hale Ova is being illustrated and written. It is less than half done at the moment.
Da Blalas and my other books need funding to be published. Small runs in paperback go for $300-400. A higher quality print could be in the thousands.
Each book takes at around 3 months to produce working on it close to full time. Part time it could take a year.
It would be nice to have the books professionally edited, printed, and edited. If anyone can help with that I would appreciate it.
I would also like to translate the book into other languages especially Hawaiian and Japanese to bring our local culture to the world.

I have several ideas going through my head that are in architectural scale. I would like to make maquettes of some of these ideas and then implement them. A small maquette of the Hokulea could cost several hundred dollars. A full scale one could cost about 3-5000+. Anyone funding these could also keep the work.

I would like to continue making ceramics especially tea pots. If anyone wants a series of ceramic work and is willing to fund materials, studio time, firing, and or my time, I would appreciate it. Perhaps certerpieces for a banquette or wedding?