Pualani and Da 3 Manō
空腹のサメ3匹は、彼らの夢のマイホーム、スーパー空母の沈没遺跡のマンションに住んでいます。 夕食ができて、それを冷ましている間、彼らは海中深く探索に出かけます。
岡田章宏と森 ひろこにより日本語に翻訳されたプアラニで、読者の心は幼少時のビーチでの日々へと帰って行くことでしょう。
3 hungry sharks live in their dream home, a condo in the sunken remains of a super aircraft carrier. While dinner cools, they go holoholo (stroll) through the depths. Surfing prodigy Pualani wipes out in a massive swell, sending her to the bottom of the sea. Following her stomach she stumbles upon the 3 leviathan’s home and lū‘au- 3 plates of gastronomic delights just waiting to be devoured! Appetites collide in Devin Oishi’s first children’s book based on the classic Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Need a taste of Hawai‘i? The indelible watercolors and prose illuminate Oishi’s wild imagination while showcasing Hawaii’s unique culture and pidgin dialect. Translated into Japanese by Akihiro Okada and Hiroko Mori, Pualani takes readers back to hanabutah (childhood) days at the beach.
Available in English: The Blalas in the Manō’s Hale and Da Blalas