Cost vs Results Examples
Below are examples of work I have created over the years and how much they would cost if they were to be purchased or if a similar one would be commissioned. Cost per hour is $50 in 2024. Cost may change over time. I am also willing to barter in exchange for services.
I rarely sell the publication rights to my work. Unless otherwise agreed upon ALL copyrights are reserved.
Prints and other products can be purchased at Redbubble or Devientart:
My books can be purchased at amazon,com

A book could easily take a few months to illustrate. Writing woud take easily as long. A simple illustration for one page could take a day or two daysdepending on the level of research required." The Blalas In the Manō's Hale" took 3 months to write and illustrate. I would say $15K+ if I were charging. "Pualani" has watercolors some of which took a month to make.

This is an oil on panel made of a hollow core front door and can easily take a month to make. The cost would go up if strainers, stretchers, special canvas, premium paints, sizing, and gesso are requested. Time could be longer if the weather is poor as I need to do these outside.

This is a watercolor on a half sheet (24 x 36") requiring about a month or so to complete.

This is a watercolor about 9 x 12" done in about an hour with very little research.

This is a digital illustration formated for letter size paper at 300 dpi. It takes about an hour to do and required no research.

This is a digital illustration formated at letter size and 150 DPI taking less than an hour to do with no research involved.