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"Park(ing) Day" art event at Arts At Marks Garage

Writer's picture: Devin OishiDevin Oishi

I was invited to participate in "Park(ing) Day" art event at Arts At Marks Garage on Friday Sept 15. The earliest map of Honolulu I know of is from 1810. On that map is a sweet potato field that was used to supply the ships which were becoming a common sight in Honolulu. Arts at Marks is built on the corner of that field. In that year Kaumualiʻi and Kamehameha established peace and unified the islands.

A set of stencils will be made illustrating the history of Honolulu as it evolved from a field of uhi (sweet potato) into the modern place we know. The public can come help color in the stencils or draw freehand with chalk in several layers, each representing a chapter in the history of Honolulu from cultivated fields, a hub for whaling, a center of business and modernity, the violence of disease, fire, annexation, and eventually the return of nature. Video and/or photographs would be taken to document the event. This is a short video of the proposed process art: HonoluluHistory

Demonstration / activity that can take place from 11-7 pm. We can pick a time, suggestion was lunch time but there will also be a pauhana performance and bar around 5 The activity will be taking place in the bulbout on Pauahi St (see rendering)

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