I was honored to be invited along with fellow artist Shin Takahashi to exhibit at Fishcake, a local gallery in Kakaʻako. Here is a link to my gallery talk:
This is the cover to a gallery guide I published on Amazon that covers the manaʻo (ideas) behind paintings and sculptures in the exhibit and how they tie into a few other pieces that did not make it into the show. It can be found on Amazon if you want a hard copy or Kindle version. A pdf is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10qsDTtygBcOE4PWgYb9D9bOS5G2NUnAP/view?usp=sharing
A view inside the gallery. The surboards and the tree w waterfall on curtains are mine.

Hope you get to the show! It continues till the end of August 2020.